Karmafy is happy to announce that the mobile game Dancing With The Stars now includes the Karmafy gamification platform. After rigorous testing, Exient - the developer of the game - decided to fully roll out Karmafy.
“I am delighted to be able to empower all our players to have a positive impact on the world, simply by playing our game” -- Nick Harper, Head of Studio at Exient UK.
All players of Dancing With The Stars: Game will now have the ability to choose a cause to support for free. The charities available for the players to support are APOPO, Barefoot College, KickStart International, Right To Play and Water.org. After picking their favourite cause, players earn Karmafy Points in the game that are automatically converted into support for their cause of choice.
The extensive A/B testing period was conducted in 10 different countries (including the US/CA) by letting half of the players see Karmafy while the other half did not. A total of 85.000 new players were part of the test, and the data and usage for the two groups of players was then compared. The results that came out of the test exceeded all expectations. Players who experienced Karmafy were 9.3% more likely to choose to make a purchase and average user spend was up 41.5% compared to the players without Karmafy. The Karmafy + Charity fee to Exient came out at around 4% (to charity) + 4% (platform fee). As this resulted in a net positive effect of more than +30% to Exient, the choice to fully roll out Karmafy was an easy one.
DWTS Game Revenue vs Game Revenue with Karmafy
“After extensive A/B testing of Karmafy in Dancing With The Stars I was amazed at the positive effect that doing good through Karmafy had on our player engagement. ” -- Nick Harper, Head of Studio at Exient UK.
Additionally, as a result of share content being meaningful and contextual to the players’ chosen charities, the Karmafy platform increased sharing to social media to nearly three times the usual levels of social engagement.
“We are extremely happy to see the results come out of the A/B test with Exient and Dancing With The Stars. This really demonstrates that a game developer can make more money by giving to good causes resulting in a win, win, win for player, developer and planet.” -- Michael Schmidt, Head of Product at Karmafy
To find out how to include the Karmafy platform in your game, please signup here or contact sales@karmafy.com.